The Cartesian Grid Active Flux Method with Adaptive Mesh Refinement
Donna Calhoun, Erik Chudzik, Christiane Helzel, "The Cartesian Grid Active Flux Method with Adaptive Mesh Refinement", (in revision), 2022.
Donna Calhoun, Erik Chudzik, Christiane Helzel, "The Cartesian Grid Active Flux Method with Adaptive Mesh Refinement", (in revision), 2022.
Dmitry Duplyakin, Jed Brown, Donna Calhoun, "Evaluating Active Learning with Cost and Memory Awareness", 32nd IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), 2018.
Donna Calhoun, Carsten Burstedde, "ForestClaw : A parallel algorithm for patch-based adaptive mesh refinement on a forest of quadtrees", arXiv:1703.03116, 2017.
Donna Calhoun, "Book Review : Solving Hyperbolic Equations with Finite Volume Methods", SIAM Review, 2017.
Kyle Mandli, Aron. Ahmadia, Marsha Berger, Donna Calhoun, David George, Yannis Hadjimichael, David Ketcheson, Grady Lemoine, Randall LeVeque, "Clawpack: Building an open source ecosystem for solving hyperbolic PDEs", Peer J Computer Science, 2016.
Jing-Rebecca Ling, Donna Calhoun, Cyril Poupon, Denis Bihan, "Numerical simulation of diffusion MRI signals using an adaptive time-stepping method", Physics in Medicine and Biology, 2014.
Peter Lauritzen, Paul Ullrich, Christiane Jablonowski, Peter Bosler, Donna Calhoun, A. Conley, T. Enomoto, L. Dong, S. Dubey, O. Guba, A. Hansen, E. Kaas, J. Kent, J.-F. Lamarque, M. Prather, D. Reinert, Vladimir Shashkin, William Skamarock, B. Sorensen, Mark Taylor, M. Tolstykh, "A standard test case suite for two-dimensional linear transport on the sphere: results from a collection of state-of-the-art schemes", Geosci. Model Dev., 2014.
Carsten Burstedde, Donna Calhoun, Kyle Mandli, Andy Terrel, "ForestClaw: Hybrid forest-of-octrees AMR for hyperbolic conservation laws", Parallel Computing : Accelerating Computational Science and Engineering (CSE), 2014.
Jing-Rebecca Li, Donna Calhoun, Lucien Brush, "Efficient thermal field computation in phase-field models", J. Comput. Phys., 2009.
A. Kato, L. Moskal, P. Schiess, M. Swanson, D. Calhoun, W. Stuetzle, "Capturing tree crown formation through implicit surface reconstruction using airporne lidar data", Remote Sens. Environ., 2009.
Donna Calhoun, Christiane Helzel, "A Finite Volume Method for Solving Parabolic Equations on Logically Cartesian Curved Surface Meshes", SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 2009.
Marsha Berger, Donna Calhoun, Christiane Helzel, Randall LeVeque, "Logically rectangular finite volume methods with adaptive refinement on the sphere", Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A, 2009.
D. Calhoun, C. Helzel, R. LeVeque, "A Finite Volume Grid for Solving Hyperbolic Problems on the Sphere", {Hyperbolic Problems: Theory, Numerics, Applications}, 2008.
D. Calhoun, C. Helzel, R. LeVeque, "A Finite Volume Grid for Solving Hyperbolic Problems on the Sphere", {Hyperbolic Problems: Theory, Numerics, Applications}, 2008.
Donna Calhoun, Christiane Helzel, Randall LeVeque, "Logically rectangular grids and finite volume methods for PDEs in circular and spherical domains", SIAM Review, 2008.
Donna Calhoun, Henri Paillere, "Wave propagation algorithms and adaptive mesh refinement for CFD simulations of potential hydrogen explosions in nuclear containment structures", {Proceedings of the Joint International Topical Meeting on Mathematics and Computation and Supercomputing in Nuclear Applications}, 2007.
A. Kato, D. Calhoun, G. Schreuder, P. Schiess, "Estimating Crown Volume through Implicit Surface Reconstruction from LIDAR Points for Forest Fire Simulation", {Proceedings of the American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing}, 2006.
Donna Calhoun, Randall LeVeque, "An accuracy study of mesh refinement on mapped grids", Adaptive Mesh Refinement - Theory and Applications, 2005.
Donna Calhoun, "A Cartesian Grid Method for Solving the Two-Dimensional Streamfunction-Vorticity Equations in Irregular Regions", J. Comput. Phys., 2002.
Stephen Wood, Marcia Baker, Donna Calhoun, "New model for the vapor growth of hexagonal ice crystals in the atmosphere", J. Geophys. Res-Atmos., 2001.
D. Calhoun, R. LeVeque, "Cartesian grid methods for fluid flow in complex geometries", {Computational Modeling in Biological Fluid Dynamics}, 2001.
Donna Calhoun, Randall LeVeque, "Solving the advection-diffusion equation in irregular geometries", J. Comput. Phys., 2000.
D. Calhoun, Roy Overstreet, "Sensitivity Analysis of a Dynamical System Using C++", The First Annual Object-Oriented Numerics Conference (OON-SKI `93), 1993.
Hannah Spero, Donna Calhoun, Michael Shubert, "Simulating the 1976 Teton Dam Failure using GeoClaw and HEC-RAS and Comparing with Historical Observations", Boise State University, 2022.
Donna Calhoun, Carsten Burstedde, "ForestClaw",, 2020.
Scott Aiton, Donna Calhoun, Jaber Hasbestan, Brenton Peck, Inanc Senocak, Grady Wright, "Massively Parallel Solvers for Computational Fluid Dynamics on Multi-block Cartesian Grids", BSU Undergraduate Showcase (poster presentation), 2018.
Donna Calhoun, "AMR Resources",, 2017.
Curtis Smith, Steven Prescott, Emerald Ryan, Donna Calhoun, Ramprasad Sampath, S Anderson, "Flooding Capability for River-based Scenarios", Idaho National Laboratory Idaho Falls, 2015.
Inanc Senocak, Donna Calhoun, Elena Sherman, Grady Wright, "SI2-SSE: GEM3D: Open-source Cartesian adaptive complex terrain atmospheric flow solver for GPU clusters", Third Annual SI2 Principal Investigators (PI) Workshop, Arlington VA. (poster presentation), 2015.
Donna Calhoun, Nadia Coulon, "Thermodynamics and transport of homogenous air-vapor-liquid mixture through cracks in concrete (Part II)", Commissariat l`Energie Atomique, Centre de Saclay, FRANCE, 2010.
Donna Calhoun, "Thermodynamics and transport of homogeneous air-vapor-liquid mixture through cracks in concrete", Commissariat l`Energie Atomique, Centre de Saclay, FRANCE, 2010.
Donna Calhoun, "Thermodynamics and transport of homogeneous air-vapor-liquid mixture through cracks in concrete", Commissariat l`Energie Atomique, Centre de Saclay, FRANCE, 2009.
Donna Calhoun, "Using Cartesian grid cut-cell methods to simulate detonations in nuclear containment buildings", Commissariat l`Energie Atomique, Centre de Saclay, FRANCE, 2009.
Donna Calhoun, "Wave propagation algorithms and adaptive mesh refinement for simulating hydrogen explosions in nuclear containment buildings", Commissariat l`Energie Atomique, Centre de Saclay, FRANCE, 2007.