A hybrid adaptive mesh framework for finite volume schemes on a forest of locally refined Cartesian meshes
Donna Calhoun, Carsten Burstedde
Date :
SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Boston, MA (Mini-symposium speaker)
Feb 25 - Mar 01, 2013
We describe current efforts to develop ForestClaw, a hybrid AMR finite volume code based on wave propagation algorithms in which non-overlapping fixed-size Cartesian grids are stored as leaves in a forest of quad- or oct-trees. The tree-based code p4est manages the multi-block connectivity and is highly scalable in realistic applications. In joint work with researchers at the Cascade Volcanic Observatory (L. Mastin and H. Schwaiger, CVO, Vancouver, WA), we will present results from our efforts to use ForestClaw for modeling the transport of volcanic ash in the atmosphere.
Slides : siam-cse-2013.pdf