Parallel Scientific Computing (ME 471/571)

Boise State University, Dept. of Mathematics

Textbook : Parallel Programming with MPI (P. Pacheco)

Semesters Taught : Sp18, Sp20, Sp23, Sp24

In this course, we will learn how to use parallel programming tools to solve problems in science and engineering.

Basic programming skills in a compiled language such as C, C++ or Java is desirable, as is some knowledge of interpreted languages such as Python, Matlab or Julia.


  • Multiprocessing package in Python
  • MPI programming in C, including Cartesian topologies, and MPI I/O
  • CUDA programming
  • Basic numerical methods include fractal design, iterative methods, reaction-diffusion systems
  • Scripting using Jupyter Notebooks.
  • Introduction to C programming for scientific computing.