Parallel, adaptive framework for mapped, multi-block domains

Donna Calhoun, Carsten Burstedde

Date :

SIAM Conference for Parallel Processing in Scientific Computing, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Portland, OR (USA) (Mini-symposium speaker)
Feb 18 - Feb 21, 2014


We present our current efforts to develop ForestClaw, a scalable, adaptive algorithm for solving hyperbolic conservation laws on mapped, multiblock domains. Each block is a tree of fixed size, non-overlapping grids, chosen to adaptively refine the solution features in that block. For our grid management system, we use p4est (C. Burstedde, Univ. of Bonn), a highly scalable tree-code designed for AMR on multiblock domains. Results verifying the code and benchmark tests used from atmospheric sciences will be shown.

Slides : siam-pp-2014.pdf

Conference/Talk site